Tuesday 20 September 2011

Gained Time Goals: Progress Check 1

So, it's been just over a week since I publicly stated some goals for this term.  How have I gotten on?

Well, progress has started slower than anticipated due to unexpected visitations.

My new training app
On Monday, the lovely OfStEd gave our school "the phone call" so I was on bestest behaviour all week! :-S Whilst optimistic, we can't assume anything and await the formal publishing of the report - a few weeks from now.

As a result, I'm on track with the 1/2 marathon training, (no pun intended) grasping the nettles, literally (and it hurt for over 24hrs afterwards) in the back garden, and I've begun to plough the streets of Whitley in prayer, in hope of a new harvest, but the rest remain, as yet, untouched.

We have my housemate's stag do this weekend. So I doubt we'll see any acceleration in progress just yet. :-)

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