Tuesday 13 July 2010

Contrition From An Unlikely Source

Last night our monthly Biblical Thinking Forum was on the Prophets.

We took Jeremiah as an example. He's the one I identify best with since he was single, the son of a preacher man and his writings are long and not in (chronological) order - his book is the longest of the prophets.

Once you get over the dated animation, cheesy music and the fact that many of the characters sound like Dick Dastardly or the Gumbys, this is a great set of videos.

In fact, God used these three videos so powerfully that we actually had to stop and pray after watching them! I was too busy faffing with my notes to suggest that we prayed. Moreover, and to my shame, I feared people would be too preoccupied with the cheesiness of the clips. Fortunately, someone else had more faith than I and was sensitive to what the Spirit was doing and called us to pray! What a blessing! :-)

The last part of clip three, has to be one of the lowest points in the whole Old Testament. The people refuse to believe that all the trouble they have suffered has come from the LORD for their rebellion against him and instead redouble their efforts to worship their false gods.  What blindness this is....

They refused to be caught up into the life of God.

I don't want to be like that!

Will you refuse the Living God?

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